Wednesday, 28 August 2013

10th August 2013 British Nationals

10th August 2013 British Nationals Ager, Spain. Some views to remember...

With little time to do a proper blog, these photos hopefully go some way to illustrate why hang glliding is such an amazing sport. Task 4 delivered some epic views as I climbed up the side of clouds with Gordon Rigg (GB) and Glen McFarlane (AUS). I then I lost sight of them. Nothing to do with cloud - they just flew so fast that I couldn't keep up! 

The full results of the competition can be found here on the official BHGC "Welcome to Goal" website ( 

Clouds forming over launch

I just love my Wills WIng T2C! Big thanks to Cloud 9 for supplying  such a beautiful, sweet handling glider.

Approaching cloud base

A localised lowering of cloud base

Starting to climb up the side of the clouds

Just beautiful - following a glider through a cloud tunnel!

Keeping a close eye on gliders nearby

The Ager ridge with swirling clouds forming beneath

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