Wednesday, 28 August 2013

23rd-27th August 2013 British Open Series 2013

23rd-27th August 2013 British Open Series 2013
Round 3 - South East Wales

Battling the marginal soaring conditions, we still managed to fly four out of the five days for the final round of the series. Not exactly epic flying, but still a great community to be involved with. More information on the competition and results is available here. I will endeavour to find the time next year to do a more comprehensive blog on the series, but in the meantime, here are a few pics and a couple of videos...

Round 1 Scotland

The brave souls

Great views

In goal, but a technical issue meant I only scored minimum points :(

BBC Scotland Adventure Show covers "SCOTBOS"

Round 2 Mid Wales

Top of the Stack at the Long Mynd
Round 3 South East Wales

Take off at the Blorenge

Patchwork quilt near Abergavenny
Darren Brown enjoys a cup of tea with Liz from The Old Rectory Bed and Breakfast after we landed next to her beautiful B&B and holiday cottage

Cloud base at Forest Farm - a high 2500 feet!

A short video of a short flight!

10th August 2013 British Nationals

10th August 2013 British Nationals Ager, Spain. Some views to remember...

With little time to do a proper blog, these photos hopefully go some way to illustrate why hang glliding is such an amazing sport. Task 4 delivered some epic views as I climbed up the side of clouds with Gordon Rigg (GB) and Glen McFarlane (AUS). I then I lost sight of them. Nothing to do with cloud - they just flew so fast that I couldn't keep up! 

The full results of the competition can be found here on the official BHGC "Welcome to Goal" website ( 

Clouds forming over launch

I just love my Wills WIng T2C! Big thanks to Cloud 9 for supplying  such a beautiful, sweet handling glider.

Approaching cloud base

A localised lowering of cloud base

Starting to climb up the side of the clouds

Just beautiful - following a glider through a cloud tunnel!

Keeping a close eye on gliders nearby

The Ager ridge with swirling clouds forming beneath

Sunday, 4 August 2013

3rd August 2013 Belgian Catalan HG Open Closing Ceremony

3rd August 2013 Belgian Catalan HG Open Closing Ceremony

After four very good flying days, the wind became too strong with too much East to allow for safe take off at Ager so there was no more flying after Task 4. The Closing Ceremony and Prize Giving was held on Saturday 3rd August.

The full results can be found here:

And a few pictures...

Ager ridge from the "Pig Farm" bottom landing

Belgian Catalan Open podium

Belgian Nationals podium
Rigid winners
Catalan winners
Sports class podium
All the winners
Sangria by the bucket
Ready for BBQ and party

Saturday, 3 August 2013

31st July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 4

31st July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 4

Task 4 track and route

Climbing at the start circle

Gliding at start
Meeting the lead gaggle on their way back from TP2

Climbing out of danger - where are the landings?

"No Land" zone

Gliding to TP3

Getting low around TP3

Concentrating on landing!

So close yet so far - goal only another 4km on towards the ridge

30th July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 3

30th July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 3

Task 3 track and route

29th July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 2

29th July 2013 Belgian Catalan Open Day 2

Task 2 and my track  - ran out of time to complete the course!

View towards the Big Stuff from launch

Ben rigged

A wind dummy launches

Andreas and Gordon

Landing options????

North of the lake heading south to the ridge

Hunting for lift on the way to TP2

Climbing before TP2

Darren at TP2

Ben in landing field

Private airstrip!

Brett takes a spring shower